Thursday, December 21, 2006

More On Calories

Our body uses X number of calories just to stay alive. This is called your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR). There are several factors that influence this number such as body composition, weight and gender. These are calories required to do nothing other than exist.

Of course we hopefully do more than just exist. Daily activities such as moving at all (walk, sitting up in bed, making toast, .etc) increase the number of calories we need in a day. The more active we are, the more calories we need.

There are several ways to figure out your BMR, but the easiest way is to use this calculator.

Now in order to loose weight we need to have these needed calories to be greater than our intake. Remember 3500 calories make a pound. So if we know our estimated need, then we can either eat less or exercise more to make the fat go away. For best results, do both.

Weight 182
Waist 36.5
Bicep 13.25+ (I’ve actually seen a slight increase)

Analysis Forthcoming


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